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الموضوع: حصريا لمنتدى البريد" تفاصيل حفل افتتاح كاس العالم 2006م"

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    Sep 2005
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    Cool حصريا لمنتدى البريد" تفاصيل حفل افتتاح كاس العالم 2006م"

    [GLOW="FFFF99"]حصريا لمنتدى البريد" تفاصيل حفل افتتاح كاس العالم 2006م"[/GLOW]

    [GLOW="000000"]الوقت علي حسب توقيت المانيا[/GLOW]

    16:23 Introduction 􀂃 Performance by 150 Drummers
    􀂃 Entry of the Traditional Goaßschnalzers (Bavarian “whip-crackers”)

    16:25 Act 1 - Germany 􀂃 The Goaßschnalzers countdown from 13 as images of the 12 venues appear on the big screen
    􀂃 Drummers will play a “Trilocke” while a red carpet is unveiled on the field
    􀂃 A moment of silence follows
    􀂃 2 children enter the field and play a clarion-call on a trumpet.
    They are joined by a full orchestra and choir who sing a song of joy in the style of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony
    􀂃 4 “comets” are fired towards the middle of the pitch and a large flag is unveiled from the roof
    􀂃 The choir remove the flag as the rest of the pitch changes colour from green to red

    16:28 Act 2 - Bavaria 􀂃 Traditional Bavarian characters now enter the field. A Hay-wagon, haystacks,
    a traditional “Musikanten“ band, bell-ringers and folkloristrically dressed girls replace the choir.
    􀂃 The cast dance to the music of the band as the drummers leave the field.
    Then the bell-ringers start an intense ringing and the hay-wagon transforms into a football stage.

    16:31 Act 3 - 􀂃 The haystacks transform into circles and members of the band “Seeed” take to the stage and the circles
    Hip Hop Music Performance 􀂃 “Seed” perform their song

    16:34 Act 4- 􀂃 24 “larger-than-life” women representing the World enter the field,
    each carried by 6 carriers and accompanied by drummers.
    World 􀂃 The 24 women then float into the air on cables

    16:37 Act 5 - 􀂃 Representatives of all the FIFA World Cup winning nations and teams will brought together for the first time
    FIFA World Cup Legends 􀂃 Each winning team delegation will be welcomed onto the field
    as images from their winning tournament are show on the big-screens and on the TV coverage.
    A children’s football team dressed in the national team uniform,
    carrying the flag of the nation and a sign showing the year in which the team won, will accompany each delegation.
    􀂃 Pele and Ms. Claudia Schiffer will bring the trophy onto the stage
    􀂃 FIFA President Blatter will welcome the Legends top the stage accompanied by the FIFA World Cup Trophy.
    LOC President Beckenbauer and German Federal President Köhler will join him.
    􀂃 FIFA President Blatter will make the opening speech.
    􀂃 The order of the teams is as follows
    􀂃 England (1966)
    􀂃 France (1998)
    􀂃 Uruguay (1930, 1950)
    􀂃 Argentina (1978, 1986)
    􀂃 Italy (1934, 1938, 1982)
    􀂃 Germany (1954, 1974, 1990)
    􀂃 Brazil (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002)

    16:48 Finale 􀂃 Music Performance of Official FIFA World Cup Song “Celebrate the Day” by Herbert Grönemeyer

    16:53 End of Ceremony


    [GLOW="000000"]بالعربي مختصر [/GLOW]

    الساعة 16:23

    دخول 150 قارع طبول

    الساعة 16:25 الحدث الاول *المانيا

    قارعي الطبول راح يقومو بعزف موسيقى اسمها Trilocke + هناك سجادة حمراء تغطي الملعب يتم ازالتها مع تقدم العزف

    *بعد ذلك تكون هناك لحظة صمت تام

    *ثم يدخل طفلان الى الملعب ويلعبوا + موسيقى بيتهوفن

    *4 مذنبات يتم اطلاقلها الى وسط الملعب ثم يتم الكشف عن علم كبير من السقف

    الساعة 16:28

    * دمية كاس العالم بعدين نشوفوها

    الساعة 16:31

    موسيقى هب هوب

    الساعة 16:34

    عرض كاس العالم

    الساعة 16:37

    اساطير كاس العالم

    الساعة 16:48

    اغنية كاس العالم

    الساعة 16:53

    نهاية الحفل

    [GLOW="000000"]مع حبي وأحترامي
    أبــــو عبدالعزيز [GLOW="000000"] Omar .S.M [/GLOW] [/GLOW]
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة 19سنه خامسة ; 06-09-2006 الساعة 09:40 AM

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