السلام عليكم
ياليت احد بفيدنا يا اخوان لدي طرد مهم وزنه خفيف
لايتعدي 1 كيلو
اريد ارساله للمغرب عاجل وضروري علما ان الطرد مهم
ودي اعرف شو افضل طريقه ارسله بها اي نوع من البريد بحيث يكون مضمون تسليمه لصاحبه ويكون اسرع
ارجو التوضيح وشكرا
May peace be upon you
I hope anybody answer me brothers I have an important parcel not heavy
not more than a Kilo
I need to send it to morocco urgent and important
I would like to know whats the best way to send it which kind of postal service in which it is guaranteed to be delivered and received as soon as possible
I need clarification and thanks