ارجوا الانتبه لنقطة مهمة ونصيحة لاخوننا المراد تثبيتهم من موظفي البنود والعقود على وظائف رسمية عليهم متابعة ان اوراقهم قد رفعت بشان لا يحصل ما حصل سابقا لدى بعض الجهات الحكومية من ضحايا مشابهة قبل سنوات والذين لم ترفع أوراق تثبيتهم لعنصرية مسؤول ما أو لحقده وغيرته - بعضهم ارتقى لمراتب أعلى من مديره - ولا تقول هذه صعبة لانك لو تسئل عن أولئك الذين لم يرفعوا لترقية موظفيهم اوترسيمهم .. هل تم سجنهم؟؟ جلدهم؟؟ فصلهم من العمل؟؟ لاأعتقد..!!
Beware of lifting your papers
I hope you take care of an important point and I advise our brothers who will be fixed by the staff of terms and contracts onto official positions ,they have to follow up their papers that have been lifted inorder not to repeat what happened previously in some government with similar victims years ago and who did not get their papers lifted due to racism of an official or to his hatred and jealousy - some elevated to rank higher than the manager - and don't say this is difficult because if you ask about those who didn't lift to upgrad their employee or fix them
؟ Have you been imprisoned
??have they been whipped??
Dismissed from work??
I do not think so