معالي الرئيس بخصوص الامر السامي الملكي
بترقية من تجمد اكثر من 12 سنة ولايوجد له علاوة
سوى العلاوة التي امر بها الملك بصرفها ويتم ترقيتهم
باسرع وقت ونحن حتى لان لم نترقى
اتمنى ان نجد الحل يامعالي الرئيس
Dear Mr. Chairman we are not upgraded until now even after Royal High decision?
Your Excellency Mr. Chairman regarding the High Royal decision
for upgrading the employees who were frozen more than 12 years, and doesn’t have allowances
only the bonus which was ordered by the king and upgrade
As soon as possible. And until not we did not promoted
I hope to find a solution Mr. Chairman