Urrrrrrggggggggent 1
I went to the insurance office to know whether we are put in the insurance system or not, He asked me about the number of Civil registry and then he told me that you are not registered I told him that the postal corporation transferred to be under insurance system 6 years ago how can the postal corporation be not registered all this period of time, especially for old employees the insurance employee told me, that they asked the postal corporation to sent personnel files, but until this moment the postal corporation is procrastinating and refrain from sending files!!!!!!! To let these years pass in vain, I told him that the postal corporation will not be send it if we did not demand because nobody will search for your rights except you?
He told me, Don’t demand for your right alone you have to collect a group of employees, and demand from your administration that you will want to be is Insurance system!
I will call for this if you wanted to join please e-mail me: