السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اصحاب العقود بلا ترسيم مساكين خطر انهاء عقده وارد لامحاله لماذا وباي حق انت تستخدمه مثلا اربع او خمس سنوات ثم مع السلامة ماقصرت ليش هو عندك وعارف الشغل وتقييمه ممتاز ليه مايترسم ياليت بس احد يشوف حالنا يالعقود لا راتب يزيد ولا علاوات
ولا زيادة سنوية الله يرحم حالنا بس يالعقود
Temporary Contracts
May Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you
Poor People under temporary contracts are facing risk of termination of their contract which is inevitable. Why and how come you are using him for example four or five years and then tell him good bye? Why? He is working to you and Rated Excellent why you don’t sign continues contract with him? I hope anyone consider our case with these temporary contracts the salary doesn’t increases and there is no bonuses nor annual increase Please God have mercy on us only people of our situation who are under temporary contracts