اتصلت اليوم بمدير الموارد البشرية الاستاذ على مشهور العسيري وكان شخص في قمة التواضع وماشاء الله دماثة في الاخلاق واسلوب راقي شرحت له معاناتي وماهي اسباب عدم ترقيتي اسوة بزملاء امضوا اقل مني سنوات
تم التجاوب مع اسئلتي ومنها ان مديري السابق والذي لدية ماشاء الله سوابق ومع ذلك تم ترشيحه للادارة بالرغم من صورته مع المزورين والمرتشين ولكن تبقى الواسطة فوق كل شي !!!
وكما هو معروف لايمكن لشخص فاقد الضمير بعد ان اكل فلوس الموتى والعجزة..........
فقد كتبت يداه التي سوف تحاسب تقرير الاداء الوظيفي جيد جداً مع العلم ولم امدح وازكي نفسي فخلال هذه السنوات الطوال لم يكن لدي يوم غياب او كشف مراجعة او انذار
وعند سؤال العسيري عن عدم شمولي مع المترقين وقدتمت ترقية اناس توفوا واشخاص كانوا مهددين بالفصل فقد انكر هذا الموضوع برمته جملة وتفصيلاً وان هذا موضوع منتديات لااساس له من الصحة
وقد تم ارسال اسماء اللذين لم يترقوا لمعرفة الاسباب وسوف تشملهم الترقية قريباً
وعن الفروقات تم سؤاله حيث من الممكن ان تشماني في حالة تقاعدي المبكر او نقل خدماتي اوضح انه سيتم صرفها حتى في حالة الوفاة
وتمنياتي من الدكتور بنتن الوقوف مع هذه النماذج المشرفة وان يحاول ابعاد الشللية حيث ان مدير شؤن الموظفين اصر على وضع موظف بمرتبة اقل وخبرة اقل مدير لمحافظة في حين انه يوجد اشخاص بمراتب اعلى وخبرات طوال ولم تتم حتى سؤالهم عن رغبتهم في وضعهم في مكانهم المناسب
The right man in the right place
I called the day manager of human resources Mr Ali Mashour Eloseery,he is a very modest man and very gentle and classy, I explained to him my suffering and the reasons I didn't get promoted like my friends who spent less years in service than me,
He responded to my questions, including the directors of my former boss which has precedents, however, has been nominated for the administration in spite of his image with fraudsters and corrupt, but the high powered means are above all else!!!
As is well known can not be a person without consciousness after eating the dead and infirm money ..........
his hands which will be held accountable Wrote a job performance report very good knowing that I did not praise myself and purer since During these long years I have never had absence or detection or warning review
When I asked Eloseery for the reason of not including my name with the upgraded people although dead people and people who were threatened with dismissal had been promoted, he has denied this whole issue altogether, saying this was a Forums topic baseless of Health
the names of who weren't promoted Have been sent to find out the reasons and they will be covered by the upgrade soon
And he has been asked about the differences , whether it is possible to include me in the case of early retirement or transferring my services and he explained that they would be paid even in case of death
And best wishes for Dr. Benten to stand with these honoring forms and trying to keep clannish away as the Director of staff Affairs insisted on placing a less rank and less experienced employee in the position of manager of a region although there was other more experienced and higher ranked employees who hadn't been even asked about placing them in the appropriate positions
Do not look back to the past as the past will bother you
Do not look forward to the future as the future will concern and worry you
But look up as God will make you happy