السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يسرني ان ابارك لكل المترقيين مقدما
هناك مصادر تقول لقد تم رفع اسماء محضر الترقيات وبالاقدميه بحت ناهيك عن المعايير الاخرى
وبالنسبه من المرتبه الخامسه الى السادسه تركزت على دفعة 16 فما دون
هذا والله اعلم
Congratulations in advance to the upgraded employees
May Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you
I am pleased to congratulate you in advance
Some sources say that the names of the employees that will be upgraded are listed and will be informed to The competent authorities, and it will be by seniority purely and no other criteria
regarding the fifth to sixth rank focused on the group who spent 16 years and under
God knows