المدير الحالي للاقليم الشمالي متسلط جدا ولا يهمه بالعمل سواء انتدابه او تكليفه هو فقط ويرفض الدورات والتكاليف والتي المكاتب بحاجة كبيره لها لانجاز اعمال وتجاوز ازمات مثل خدمة جامعي وتهاني للملك حفظه الله ويحاول دائما احباط الموظفين ولا يحفزهم ودائما مايقلل من انتاجهم واعمالهم واجتهادهم .
وكأن البند المخصص للانتدابات والتكاليف والدورات مخصص له هو فقط لاغير .
ولا يحب ان يقيم الموظف بدرجة ممتاز وانما بأقل ودائما يقول هذه درجة الكمال
واتمنى من الادارة العامة بتقييمه باقل من ذلك ليرى كيف يعامل الموظف
وهذا غير الصفات السيئه التي يحملها من تدخين بالمكتب وكأنه فاتح كازنوا شيشه ومكتبه الذي يعج بالدخان
فأين البديل يا استاذ حمد البكر اين البديل كما وعدت امام معالي الرئيس في اجتماع ابها
نريد بديل على الاقل لتغيير روتين تعاملنا مع المكتب الاقليمي
نيريد مكتب الاقليم بتبوك وليس الجوف لايراداتها الكثيره ولا نعلم ما اهمية توسط المكتب وبعده عن اكبر منطقة واكثر ايرادات
نتمنى ان تعيد النظر بنقل المكتب لمنطقة تبوك
Your promise Mr. Hamad Al-Bakr / Where the alternative to the northern sector
The current Director of the Northern sector is too bossy and he doesn’t care about anything but his work only, whether seconded or assigned and he refuses the training courses, or doing work outside that offices in need of them to complete the work and overcome crises such as University service and congratulations to the king may God protect him and always tries to thwart the staff is never motivate them and always not satisfied by their production and their work and diligence.
He is doing this as if the items of training courses, assignments are made only for him
he Does not like to give excellent to any of his staff, as nobody is perfect and excellent is degree of perfection
And I hope the General Administration evaluate him less to let him see how he treat his employees
This is not far from the bad manners he has got like smoking as if a casino in his office, which is packed with smoke
Where is the alternative Mr. Hamad Al-Bakr where is the alternative as you promised in front of His Excellency the President at the meeting of Abha
We want an alternative, at least to change the routine of our dealings with the Regional Office
We need the region Office in Tabuk and not the Al-Jof for it's good revenue we do not know what the importance of mediation of the office from the largest area and most revenue
We hope that you review the transfer of the Office to Tabuk Region